Saturday, November 13, 2021
Andover/North Andover YMCA
FREE for members
Please join us as we welcome children’s book author Sherry Cerino, who will be reading a story from her collection of Ella’s Way stories.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Andover/North Andover YMCA
FREE for members
Please join us as we welcome children’s book author Sherry Cerino, who will be reading a story from her collection of Ella’s Way stories.
The Ella’s Way stories are written and illustrated with messages of kindness to create conversations with young children about diversity, disability, acceptance and inclusion. Ella’s Way is an acronym for “Early Learning Leads to Acceptance” (E.L.L.A.) and each Ella’s Way story offers an age appropriate and sensitive introduction to diversity awareness at the age when children begin to form first friendships. Ella’s Way believes that diverse friendships formed between the ages of 4-7 years old will lead to long term acceptance of differences, respect and inclusion.
The Ella’s Way collection of stories have been introduced to over 20,000 children in 25 states, including 120 schools in Massachusetts. Come meet Ms. Cerino and meet Ella and her friends!
For more information about the Ella’s Way stories, visit the Ella’s Way website.
For more information about this event, please contact Sandra McGrath at