For the last several weeks a group of die-hard members of the Andover/North Andover YMCA have been logging hours and miles on our Expresso Bikes in the Y Madness 2019 Challenge. The goal of this national competition is to ride as many miles as you can in a 24 hour period. Thanks to the drive and dedication of our members, we are in the Championship! This coming Tuesday, 10/22 the Andover/North Andover YMCA will be open from midnight to midnight for Expresso Bike riders so that we can take the title.
We need your help! If you can come in and ride for even 30 minutes, it will help put us over the top. Our slow times are between 11am-4pm. If you are up to the challenge, please contact Cara Green at or 978-685-3541 ext. 434.