YMCA175 a global leadership conference at which eight teens from the Merrimack Valley will participate in to connect and discuss the issues impacting youth worldwide, and contribute their ideas, talents, and voice to create change. Taking place at ExCeL London in August, YMCA175 is a global youth event that will have elements of a conference, summit and celebration, bringing together thousands of young leaders and YMCA senior leaders and networks from around the world. (Learn More About YMCA175)
To help defray the costs of this amazing experience, the students have been actively fundraising. This month they are raffling off two great seats to see the Red Sox take on the Phillies on August 20th. The prize also includes $100 Uber gift card and $100 Visa gift card! Don’t miss out on your chance at this great package!
Red Sox V. Phillies
Tuesday August 20, 2019 7:10PM
Pavilion Box 7 Row D Seats 3 & 4
Purchase Raffle Tickets
PUrchase tickets by clicking the link above, or if you prefer, you may purchase your ticket by contacting Kate Rozzi at krozzi@mvymca.org or 978-725-6681 ext 130. Thank you!