Great communities have strong Ys that encourage good health, provide educational enrichment, foster connections through fitness, sports and fun and bring families closer together. Strong Ys have committed leaders that engage the community and welcome all its members. For many years, our YMCA has provided opportunities for kids and families throughout the Merrimack Valley to be part of something special. For many of those years, these efforts were spearheaded by Walter Kimball. Through Kim’s leadership, programs such as YBL flourished at the Lawrence YMCA, providing kids an opportunity to develop new skills, build confidence and learn new skills.
As the Lawrence YMCA undergoes a transformation to serve more kids and adults, we invite you to make a contribution in honor of Walter Kimball. To recognize Kim’s contributions to the community, the small gym will be renamed the “Walter Kimball Athletic Center”. If you would like to make a contribution in honor of Kim, please click here to go to our online giving form or download this form and return to the YMCA.
Thank you for your support of our exciting project and of our friend. If you have any questions, or would like to get more involved in the campaign, please contact Frank Kenneally at or 978-725-6681 ext 166.